1 May 2022

THE STATE OF WORK. A century of images from the Alinari Archives

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1May 2022


9:00 – 18:00

Altre sedi

Free Entry

Free Entry

Throughout the day of May 1st, International Workers’ Day, the Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio will host a special event of the Museo Novecento, organized by MUS.E and created in collaboration with the Alinari Foundation for Photography, starting from a idea of ​​Sergio Risaliti.

On the day when the large canvas by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, Il Quarto Stato, will be unveiled to the public within the evocative setting of the Salone dei Cinquecento, it will be possible to admire in the Sala d’Arme a projection of images related to the theme of work and coming from the heritage of FAF – Tuscany. THE STATE OF WORK. A century of images from the Alinari Archives reflects one of the major points of interest in the workshop of the Alinari brothers, who from the very beginning of their activity had dedicated great attention to this dimension of human life and to every form that work took on in its impetuous development. economic known in the second half of the nineteenth century.

This day of projections is ideally linked to the exhibition, which will open at Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, seat of the Presidency of the Tuscany Region, on April 30 entitled BASED ON THE WORK. Images from the Alinari archives which collects twenty-two large-format photographs and describes the different forms in which this theme has declined over the years and in the various territories of Tuscany.

Fondazione Alinari per la fotografia

The Alinari Foundation for Photography was born in 2020 at the behest of the Tuscany Region to preserve, manage and enhance the Alinari heritage. Although the funds and collections are currently placed in a safety deposit, pending the new locations for the archive and the museum, the Foundation is engaged in constant activity to facilitate their use and accessibility, thanks also to initiatives like these, which allow new readings and interpretations of this great photographic deposit as well as of our present.

On Sunday 1 May, on the occasion of Metropolitan Sunday, all residents of the Metropolitan City of Florence will be able to access the Sala d’Arme for free.

Ph Credits: “Il Quarto Stato”, Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, 1868/1902, Museo del Novecento, Milano. Copyright Comune di Milano – tutti i diritti di legge riservati.

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