10 November 2022

Outdoor 2022

Project for the circulation and enhancement of the works of the civic collections in the schools of the city

The works of art arrive in the classrooms of elementary and middle schools in the city of Florence.

The Museo Novecento presents the third edition of Outdoor, the traveling project conceived by the Director of the Novecento Museum, Sergio Risaliti, which plans to present paintings and sculptures from the twentieth-century collections of the Municipality of Florence within the Florentine schools.

From next October 26 and until May 2023, the initiative will resume, to which many classes of the city’s schools have already responded with enthusiasm. A project that was enthusiastically welcomed by national critics, arousing interest even outside the Tuscan borders.

Outdoor‘s intent is to promote knowledge of civic collections by focusing on the empathic and material relationship with works of art, away from the museum setting, in order to encourage a direct encounter with the artistic artefact. Outdoor therefore proposes new ways of approaching the education of the visual arts, highlighting aspects of the material reality of the works, creating a real didactic performance.

During the meetings, participants have the opportunity to witness the arrival of the work of art and the unpacking operations (opening the case or any other types of packaging) by a company specialized in Fine Art transport. This, will be followed by a brief analysis by a restorer who will offer the opportunity to closely observe the surface of the work through the aid of special lenses and an introduction on the practices necessary to ensure works of value. This experience ends with an interactive narration on the work and activity of the artist by a cultural mediator of MUS.E, which is followed by in-depth information on the work carried out independently in the individual classes.

foto iniziativa
foto iniziativa

Born in 2018 and included in the The Keys of the City program of the Municipality of Florence, the project envisaged the involvement of some classes of the primary school and of the lower and upper secondary school, to then expand further in 2019 thanks to the contribution of the CR Firenze Foundation. To date, more than 1000 children and young people have participated in the project, as well as a group of inmates from the Sollicciano Prison of Florence.

During the school year 2022/2023, the project, always within the educational proposal The Keys of the City, found a strong interest from schools and a high level of participation. Here, between October 2022 and May 2023, the participating schools will be able to use the project for free, welcoming one of the works of the Novecento Museum for the time of one morning and experiencing the experience of its use directly at school.

The paintings selected for this project cycle are, among others: Il tram di Fiesole by B.M. Bacci (1913), Pansies by Filippo De Pisis (1932), Street corner of Rome by Mario Mafai (1940), Landscape by Osvaldo Licini (1928), Chimera by Arturo Martini (1933-1935 ca.), Composition 1967 R.D.S.A. (Portrait of a mood) by Manlio Rho (1938 ff.), Landscape by Severo Pozzati (1914). These are particularly significant and important paintings and sculptures, which will allow participants to grasp artistic, stylistic and historical traits of absolute importance of the Italian twentieth century.

A special thanks to Apice Firenze S.r.l.(www.apicescrl.it), MAG, insurance broker, (www.magitaliagroup.com), technical sponsors of the project.

Project for circulation and enhancement
of the works of the civic collections in the schools of the city

26 October 2022
9, 16 e 23 e 30 November 2022
7 December 2022
11 and 25 January 2023
1 and 22 February 2023
8, 15 and 29 March 2023
19 and 26 April 2023
10, 24 and 31 May 2023