13 Jan 2019

A new look on art: guided tours at Museo Novecento from Medardo Rosso to the permanent collection

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After the wide offer during christmas holidays, the cultural program of Museo Novecento does not stop: Sunday, January 13 MUS.E Association proposes a rich program of tours and activities.

At 3p.m (Duration 1h15’) youngs and adults can participate to Horizons. New perspectives on art of the 20th century (free activiy, discover the project at Progetto AMIR).

The tour allows the public to approach to the exposed works with the eyes of someone who has come to Florence as a “new citizen”: visitors will then be guided by voices from different cultures and will be invited to observe in a new way the shapes, codex, meanings of the italian art of our time and to truly understand how the work of art is “open” and “active center of a great network of endless relationships” (U. Eco).

(The tour is proposed by AMIR/ Accoglienza Musei Inclusione Relazione, curated by City of Fiesole, City of Florence –MUS.E, Istituto degli Innocenti, Fondazione Primo Conti, Stazione Utopia, thanks to the support of Regione Toscana and della Fondazione CR Firenze).

At 4.30p.m, instead, appointment with the visit to the exhibition Solo. Medardo Rosso (for young and adults; duration 1h15’) completely focused on this crucial artist for the development of the sculpture of 1800 and 1900.

Medardo Rosso opens the way for a new (and yet so ancient) plastic art made of open shapes, temporary, opaque, revisited in numerous replicas and variants: “at the crossing between modern and contemporary, he has introduced a sculpture of the transitory, exposed to the broken and to the undoing, available to the Case, made of absorbent matter, after the idea reflected by the gloss of the bronze and the polito of the marble” (Paola Mola). The exhibit tour will allow to approach to the life and work of Rosso, able to combine an incredible tecniqual mastery to an anti-monumental and anti-conventional and redesign the boundaries of the sculpture.

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