16 Mar 2016

Lucio Fontana, Posters writings interviews  

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16March 2016



Museo Novecento

Free admission subject to availability

The curator of the book Angela Sanna talks with Susanna Ragionieri.

A collection of writings by the great master of the twentieth century Lucio Fontana (Rosario di Santa Fé, 1899 – Varese, 1968): posters, texts and interviews where emerge, along with the theorization of Spatialism, the artist’s opinions on the art of the moment and on the various sectors he explored, from ceramics to sculpture, from painting to environmental interventions.  

The pages also define other facets of Fontana’s artistic life through interviews with critics, journalists and intellectuals, from Carla Lonzi to Pierre Restany, from Umberto Eco to Giorgio Bocca. These testimonies are joined by those concerning the cultural and human contribution that Fontana offered to young artists and movements on the national and international scene.  The volume, edited by Angela Sanna, is published by Abscondita, Milan in the series Carte d’artisti. 

Angela Sanna

teaches History of Contemporary Art at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts. PhD of the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, has to his credit studies and publications, in Italy and France, oriented on different aspects of the art of the twentieth century, from the relations between Milan and Paris after World War II, with particular reference to the work of Enrico Baj and the post-surrealist movement Phases, the poetic writings of Baj, André Breton, Lucio Fontana, Pietro Annigoni and Edouard Jaguer. He worked for a long time with the Rodolfo Siviero Museum in Florence, of which he published, among other things, catalogues of works from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. He has curated and/or collaborated on several exhibitions of contemporary artists for various institutions, also dealing with more popular writings on museums and masters of international resonance. 

Susanna Ragionieri

is a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. She has long been involved in Italian art between the two wars deepening the relationships between painting, sculpture, literature, and music, and in research on the graphic side from Giovanni Fattori to Lorenzo Viani. He has curated exhibitions and publications including the monograph on the engraver Bruno Bramanti (Florence, Olschki 2002), in which he has studied the woodcuts of the early twentieth century and the relationships between graphics and publishing. He collaborated on the project of the Tuscan Region Paths of contemporaneity. Visual arts in Tuscany 1945-2000. 

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