2 Apr 2019

Guest. Luca Scarlini

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Where and when

2April 2019



Museo Novecento

Free admission subject to availability

My two, my double: two jugglers, Novelli and Pascali and the fatal 1968

The appointment with the Guest cycle is back, conceived by the artistic director of the Museo Novecento Sergio Risaliti, which sees some of the protagonists of contemporary art and culture participate from time to time. Tuesday 2 April at 6 pm it will be the turn of the writer and storyteller Luca Scarlini who will offer the public a meeting entitled “My two, my double: two jugglers, Novelli and Pascali and the fatal ’68“.

A journey through pop suggestions, short circuits with the raw materials of poor art and the alchemical research of two artists who both fatally lost their lives in 1968. Pino Pascali and Gastone Novelli lived life in an era lived as the title intended of the film by Jean-Luc Godard, “Until the last breath”, in the certainty that every artistic act would leave a mark, as when Novelli decided to turn his creations towards the wall, during the 1968 Biennale, in protest against the police raid on the Gardens of Sant’Elena.

Luca Scarlini

He is a writer, playwright for theater and music, performance artist, storyteller. He teaches narrative techniques at the Holden School in Turin and has collaborated with numerous Italian and European theatrical institutions, including the National Theater in London, the Lod company in Ghent, the Festival Opera XXI in Antwerp, La Batie and the theater amstramgram in Geneva. He writes for music and dance: from 2004 to 2008 he was artistic consultant for the MilanOltre festival at the Teatro dell’Elfo in Milan. He has extensive activity as a storyteller alone and alongside musicians, dancers and actors, in theaters, museums and historical places. Voce di Radio Tre, led the National Museum program, curated exhibitions on the relationship between art, music, theater and fashion. Among his recent books are noteworthy Lustrini for the kingdom of heaven (Bollati Boringhieri), Sacre parades (Guanda), Michael Jackson’s syndrome (Bompiani), Andy Warhol superstar (Johan and Levi), Siviero against Hitler (Skira), Memories of a work of art (Skira), Theaters of love (Nottetempo).

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