25 Oct 2017

Women and Work 1880-2017

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25October 2017



Museo Novecento

Free admission subject to availability

Meeting and readings from the text by Pasquale Villari “Le Trecciaiole”

Introduced by Serena Perini.
Speakers: Cosimo Ceccuti, Angelita Benelli, Daniela Borselli e Laura Socci

The meeting – with speakers Serena Perini (President of the VII Council Commission “Peace, human rights, solidarity, international relations, immigration and equal opportunities), Cosimo Ceccuti (Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia), Angelita Benelli (Director of the Museo della Paglia di Signa ), Daniela Borselli (Head of Coordination Women Spi Cgil), Lara Socci (Curator of the volume and vice-president of the Choral Society of Impruneta) – takes its cue from a recent publication entitled Le Trecciaiole. Women at work in Tuscany between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Florence Art Edizioni 2017) which has as its narrative fulcrum an article by Pasquale Villari, which this year marks the centenary of his death in Florence, dedicated to the figure of the braid
and to the crisis that hit this widespread profession, a symptom of a significant malaise in the Tuscan economy starting from the end of the nineteenth century.

Pasquale Villari, historian and politician, explains the reasons for the crisis, photographing those women, their work, their demands and proposing solutions for what could have been a strategy for its protection. A text that, although written a long time ago, is of extraordinary, surprising relevance.

With a look that goes beyond the specific profession, we will talk about the journey made by women for the recognition of the right to work, for the conquest of wage equality and the presence of women in positions of responsibility. An opportunity to reflect and discuss a fundamental theme of our time.

Event in collaboration with Florence Art Edizioni.

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