26 May 2018 – 6 Sep 2018

Waiting Rooms – Flying Carpets by Massimo Nannucci

Curated by

Sergio Risaliti

Hours & Tickets Arrow

Where and when


26May 2018


6September 2018

Museo Novecento

A new face for the cinema and conference room on the first floor of the Museo Novecento, which currently hosts the video review “The body is a sacred garment” and where – from May 26 to September 6 – there is space “Flying carpets“, installation by Massimo Nannucci made possible thanks to the collaboration of Boralevi s.r.l., which made available a series of kilim rugs, placed in the room by the artist.

The kilim rug is made with the tapestry weaving technique, in which the weft passes alternately above and below the warp forming a flat fabric. Kilims have a very ancient origin and the technique derives from how women weave their hair. These rugs have become one of the main handicraft products of the populations dedicated to pastoralism and it is no coincidence that they are produced with the same technique in very distant countries, such as the highlands of Anatolia and those of Peru, as in the rocky deserts. of Afghanistan and Morocco. These populations have in common the care of the sheep from which they draw the main forms of sustenance and a life characterized by continuous movements in the territory to reach new pastures for the flocks. For the nomad, the kilim represents the place to meet, it is the house, the bed where to rest, the table where to eat, the place where one is born, one loves, one dies.