20 Jan 2016

New theatre made in Italy 1963-2013

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20January 2016



Museo Novecento

Free admission subject to availability

Wednesday 20 January 2016, 5.30 pm 


Laura Caretti, Cesare Molinari e Giuliano Scabia in conversation with Valentina Valentini, curator of the volume.

The volume Nuovo Teatro made in Italy, edited by Valentina Valentini, consists of five essays of historical structure aimed at enumerating the most significant facts of an artistically relevant phenomenon, over the period from 1963 to 2013. A phenomenon that has radically transformed the thought and practice of theater in Italy, able to withstand the comparison with contemporary experiences, in Europe and America. The publication inscribes the theater in a horizon contiguous to the other arts, reconstructing a network of relationships that have made the theater a crossroads through which to reread the entire history of the second half of the twentieth century: its social aspects, ideologies, trends, customs, aesthetics.  The three thematic chapters (dedicated to the compositional modes of the New Theatre, space and phenomenologies) are intertwined and multifaceted through the reflections and analysis of Anna Barsotti, Cristina Grazioli and Donatella Orecchia concerning: the popular matrix of the formation of the actor in the New Theatre; the peculiarity of the Italian actor-author; the use of light as a dynamic potential of the spectacular event. 

The volume, published by Bulzoni, is linked to the website www.nuovoteatromadeinitaly.it which collects and makes available to readers a reasonable choice of documents on some of the most significant protagonists and performances of the Italian theater between 1963 and 2013. 

Place of deepening of the discourses conducted in the volume, the website offers an environment malleable in consultation, rigorous in scientific and able to be enriched over time. 

Valentina Valentini

She studied the problems of entertainment in the twentieth century, teaches Performing Arts and Electronic and Digital Arts at the Department of Art History and Performing Arts of the University “La Sapienza”, Rome. His research includes the field of interference between theatre, art and new media. His most recent publications include: Nuovo Teatro Made in Italy 1963-2013 (2015); Drammaturgie sonore. Teatri del secondo Novecento (2012); Mondi, corpi, materie (2007); the two anthologies Le pratiche del video and Le storie del video (2003). He edited the first monograph on Bill Viola Bill Viola. See with your mind and heart, on Studio Azzurro Studio Azzurro: paths between video, cinema and theater and other volumes that analyze authors, works of electronic art and multimedia (Video author 1986-1995, In the mirror, Live, The video to come). Together with Cosetta Saba, Medium without Medium, Cannibalization and amnesia of the video after the 90s (2015).

He directed for Rubbettino Editore a series dedicated to contemporary theatre in which he published Franco Scaldati, 1997, Squat Theater, 1998, Compagnia della Fortezza, 1998, Peter Sellars, 1999, Eimuntas Nekrosius, 1999, Totò e Vicé, 2003, S.M. Ejzenštejn, Quaderni e piani di regia, 2003, Valdoca Theatre, 2004.  His essays are published in various magazines both nationally and internationally, such as: Theatre Library, The Drama Review, Theaterschrift, Close-Up, Dramaturgy, Performance Research, Maska, Frackija, PAJ, the cultural supplement of the newspaper l’Avanguardia (Barcelona).

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